Tuesday, July 20, 2010

grumpy girl, corner seat

Do you ever have one of those mornings where you wake up and feel like your day could really go either way? I was there about 7am this morning. I have been fighting off a little bug, feel like there are a million things to do in the next couple days and missed my bus—twice. Once I finally made onto a bus, I took the very back, corner seat. It seemed very fitting for a grumpy girl. This is where you can currently find me, somewhere between my house and my office; Sitting. Being grumpy. So I have decided to make this an experiment. I am going to call out every good thing that I spot on the way to work and see if I can turn this day around before I turn into grumpy girl sitting in the corner desk. Ready----Go:

· 2 dog owners on the sidewalk letting their pups play with each other

· The girl a few seat up from me has a Microsoft Auto mug…SMF has the same one, and he makes me happy

· Dude sitting next to me is on the ‘introduction’ section to a big thick novel; a fresh start

· We just passed a street called “Snoqualmie” which made me think of my adorable little she-cousins that live in that town…I should really try and go see them soon

· Old man--handlebar mustache… enough said

· Man with clubs heading into the golf course, reminds me that I will be playing a round or two with SMF’s family soon, can’t wait

· Remembered that the Nordstrom sale is going on and I have a gift card to spend... enough said

· An old brink apartment building, I have always wanted to live in one like that

· A van with a company logo “Creative Bros Landscaping” … it reminds me that there are people all over the place that have started their own little biz…it is possible.

· A rooftop patio with a lounge chair about 20 feet from this overpass, do you think the owner sunbathes there??

After a quick stop at Starbucks where I ran into some good pals, I have made it to my desk. I don’t think anyone will notice the grumpy girl in the corner because she just might not be here. Have a good day everyone.

1 comment:

  1. It was fun to get to know this side of you, Kara. While I can't see myself as a blogger, I will enjoy hearing and seeing more about you and Mark, even Murphy.

    We are very happy to have you visiting this week and I look forward to a great week!

