Monday, July 12, 2010

magic...not the same, but she's still got it

There is a tiny little town (pop 821) called Peru, Massachusetts that holds a piece of my heart...a BIG piece of my heart. There are so many days, be it winter, spring, summer or fall, that I just ache inside to get back there. So, last week, I went! I spent the long weekend at Camp Danbee with 382 girls, 120 staff and an unlimited supply of little critters. I have to say, I was a little nervous going back as a visitor, having not gone through orientation with this staff, where the strongest bonds are formed. By the end of the my trip, I almost felt like I had been there from the start. I went into this weekend with a purpose. I wanted to figure out if I have such a yearning to get back there because it is where/what I am truly suppose to be/doing, or if it was because it was an adventurous time for me (moving across the country, meeting new friends from around the world, etc). Here is what I have learned: -First, I still believe that working in this field is what I am best suited for, but realize now that it just may never happen. At this point, I could not leave my life without some of it coming with me (specifically, SMF and Murph Dog). If there was a full time job with Camp Group and SMF could work remotely, or find a new gig on the east coast... I pack up the Beetle and hit I-90 in a spilt second, but at this moment, I am living my dream life instead of my dream job:) - Second, there is NO doubt in my mind that I want to be able to offer my future kids the opportunity to experience a full summer sleepaway camp. Most parents on the West Coast would think I am crazy to give my child to strangers for seven weeks, but when you find the right camp family, they aren't strangers. Danbee can have my little girl for the summer anytime they want. D.A.N.B.E.E. Danbee is for me, Hey!

This also happens to be on my 30 before 30 list..

*This little trip also happened to be on my 30 b4 30

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